"The Ages and Historical Records of Pianos sold in America"
If your are looking for piano history or genealogy help, then this is the place for you. Please note that this is a working list and not all data is complete. Therefore, use this list as a starting point, and not as a final source. Our information is intended for use in public libraries and educational institutions.
Pianos and player-pianos of durable character and beautiful tone designed to meet the popular demand, sustaining an excellent reputation, dating back to 1870. Thompson instruments are carefully made, of approved materials. They possess musical merit which is quickly recognized by the prospective purchasers. They are the product of the Thompson Division of the Steger & Sons Piano Mfg. Co., of Chicago, and Steger, Ill. The financial standing of that company is unquestioned. Thompson pianos and player-pianos are so attractive in appearance and they are produced in such a variety of designs that they occupy a conspicuous place in the trade. Every detail in their manufacture receives care ful attention of expert workmen. They are sold under a guarantee which leaves no doubt as to their responsibility. These instruments are handled by foremost piano dealers throughout the country and are in great demand. The factories are at Steger, Illinois, where the Lincoln and Dixie highways meet, and the offices in the Steger Bldg., at the northwest corner of Wabash Ave. and Jackson Blvd. Chicago.
Popular pianos bearing this name are from the factory of Bjur Bros. Co., New York City, which guarantees their reliability.
Pianos and player-pianos of fine qualities and high repute. The Tonk piano is everywhere noted for peculiarly sweet and sonorous tone and excellence of workmanship and material. As the product of one of the old-established New York industries whose entire career has been one of strict integrity and honor, it is natural to expect something distinctly good in the Tonk piano. And in this anticipation there is no disappointment, for this piano is of a kind to do credit to any name. In short, the Tonk piano is a sweet-toned, satisfying instrument, is durable and is musical. It is rapidly gaining in sale and also already enjoys a large export trade. The Tonk player-piano and Triplex Electric Player and Reproducing Grands and Uprights are no less satisfactory and their success is firmly established. One of the distinct and thoroughly demonstrated improvements in Tonk pianos and player-pianos is the combination rolled steel back construction. It is a feature that has been tried out and proved of great merit. Manufactured by William Tonk & Bros.
The word "Trayser" became connected with the American piano industry in 1849. The instruments of that time, although necessarily few in number, displayed great skill and a thorough knowledge of the industry which Mr. George L Trayser had learned in the factories of his native Germany He was actively associated with organization bearing his name. During his business lifetime, after which it was absorbed by The Starr Piano Co, who are the manufacturers of these instruments today. With a foundation so well established, this organization has continued the development of the Trayser piano which has long been accepted among the higher grade instruments. The Trayser is guaranteed by The Starr Piano Co.
An old-time piano name on instruments now produced by the Trowbridge Department of the Henry F. Miller plant of the Continental Piano Co., of Boston, Mass. The instruments are thoroughly well made, of fine tone quality and in every way reliable. The factory is at Wakefield, a suburb of Boston, and the offices at 395 Boylston St., Boston.
Manufactured by the Bush & Lane Piano Company, in their extensive and finely equipped factory at Holland, Mich. Victor pianos are thoroughly reliable instruments of a high grade. The Victor instruments have been on the market for many years, during which time many thousands have been sold. Victor pianos are noted for their pleasing tone qualities and the unique and effective character of their case work. Dealers who handle these pianos speak most highly of the musical and the durable qualities of the instruments and expert musicians have indorsed in highest terms their admirable qualities. The name "Victor" is copyrighted and is the trademark and exclusive property of this company. The Victor Cecilian contains the famous Cecilian player action, which is so noted for its easy operation, versatility of expression effects and durability. Victor grands and uprights embody the highest musical ideals. See Bush & Lane Piano Co.
This famous player-piano was the product of the Hallet & Davis Piano Company of Boston. It is nationally advertised, nationally priced. In November 1925, the control of the old Boston industry was acquired by the Premier Grand Piano Corporation of New York City, which now makes the grand pianos of the former firm. While the uprights are produced in the extensive factories of Jacob Doll & Sons. Instruments of unchallenged quality.
One of America's most distinguished pianos. The "Vose" piano has sustained itself in the respect of musicians and the admiration of the public through Mr. James W Vose, recognized as one of the greatest presidents of the many great piano manufacturing concerns of the country. From the first the career of the Vose piano has been steadily gaining until it has reached a position ranking among the foremost pianos of the world. The "Vose" pianos of today are marked by a distinct originality of case designs, careful and most thorough construction, and musical effects of the most satisfactory character. They are pianos whose characters are of a kind to attract the attention of people of refinement and good taste.
In 1901 Webb Janssen produced the first Janssen piano at his shop in New York. In 1964 Janssen was purchased by C. G. Conn where extensive research and technological advancements in piano design and engineering in the late 1960's resulted in the Janssen becoming the first computer designed piano in the country.
Being an instrument of real musical expression, it must also be an instrument of exceptional beauty, expressive of the aesthetic values of the home in which it is placed. The Janssen piano designers paid particular attention to both traditional styling and the best furniture trends. Expert design is then combined with careful and painstaking craftsmanship to produce pianos with beauty characteristic of the finest home furnishings.
In 1970, Mr. Charles R. Walter, who had played a major role in the work done at Conn, purchased the company. The name was changed to The Walter Piano Company. The Walter Piano Company continued to manufacture Janssen Pianos until 1976. Mr. Walter's intention from the very start was to combine technological advances with his own extensive engineering background and mechanical ability to produce the finest quality pianos available on the market. Upon taking control, Mr. Walter immediately cut back production to insure careful attention to detail and to quality standards. The company's growth since that time has been specifically directed toward improving and maintaining quality.
The latest results of these efforts are the all-new Charles R. Walter Concert Console and Studio pianos. Mr. Walter has given these pianos his own name as the "Signature of Quality" in order to emphasize his personal interest in assuring and maintaining the highest quality in design and in production standards. These pianos introduced in the summer of 1975 are acclaimed as the finest quality vertical pianos on the market today.
Durable pianos, made by the Walters Piano Co., New York. The factory is at Long Island City. The entire business and interests of the Walters Piano Co. is controlled by Bloomingdale Brothers, one of New York's big department stores.
Warfield pianos and player-pianos are manufactured by the Waltham Piano Company of Milwaukee. Wisc. The above company recognizes the need of a piano of high quality of attractive case design and finish and of pleasing tonal qualities which will fill the wants of piano purchasers who want to get the best possible value for their purchasing power and have found that the demand for the Warfield has exceeded their highest expectations. The perfection of equipment and scientific management of their large roomy factory has enabled them to produce this instrument in sufficient numbers without in any way interfering with the production of the requisite quantity of Warfield pianos.
HORRACE WATERS & CO A name familiar in retail trade for many years. See Janssen and Walter Piano Company.
Manufactured by the Waltham Piano Co., Milwaukee, Wis. , Waltham pianos and player-pianos are constructed under the supervision of experts in every department of the great factory. All material has been carefully selected to insure the very best in every part used in its construction. The case work is especially worthy of mention. The case designs are artistic and of exceptionally solid and substantial construction. Waltham uprights and player-pianos are of one tone quality and as handsome as durable. The Waltham reproducing player is also worthy of special attention on account of its lifelike reproduction of the artist
skill. Another player which this company is featuring is equipped with an electric motor operated by turning a switch and can at the will of the player also be operated by the foot pedals. All of the piano and player actions in Waltham instruments are of the best and are skillfully manufactured and regulated. The player action department is equipped for perfect workmanship and intelligent inspection previous to shipping the finished instruments. All Waltham pianos and player-pianos are very carefully inspected in the several departments through which they pass while iii the process of construction.
Made by the Kreiter Manufacturing Co. Inc., of Milwaukee and Marinette, Wis. , The Waldemar piano and player piano are named after the son of the president of the Kreiter Manufacturing Co. They are fully warranted by that responsible corporation. These instruments are handled by some of the largest and leading piano merchants of the United States, and have proved very popular and reliable in every particular.
The Waldorf Piano Company, incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, 1908, owned and controlled by the Autopiano Company, manufactures one style player-piano and an expression player-piano, sponsored and vouched for by the Autopiano Company, thus assuring first-class material and workmanship. The Waldorf player wholesales at a very reasonable price. The financial standing of the Waldorf Piano Co. is unquestioned. Made by Kohler & Campbell
Well-known pianos and player-pianos of the popular grade. One of the Lyon & Healy made instruments which have attained to great popularity because of substantial material and musical merit. The house behind the Washburn is of the highest credit.
The distinctive name given to a very beautiful Duo Tone Model produced by the Waltham Piano Co. of Milwaukee. This instrument was in every way reliable and desirable.
Weaver pianos in uprights grands and player-pianos and reproducing pianos have the characteristics that mark the highest achievements in modern piano making Weaver pianos, insuring the greatest possible durability, and wrought out so as to assure the highest development of the carefully drawn scales. The tone regulating and action regulating art so thoroughly did as to give the piano an elastic and easy touch, and to make it capable of the finest shades of expression. In fact, the Weaver piano responds in every way to the most exacting demands of the accomplished pianist. The Weaver upright piano in large sizes has larger sounding board and longer strings than the small grand pianos of various makes, and is an upright grand piano with more volume and more of a concert grand tone than the small horizontal grands.
This piano has been prominent for many years. It was established more than a quarter-century ago. A reliable popular instrument. The Webster player-pianos are of the same durable character and have a large demand. The Webster pianos and players are controlled by W. P Haines & Co., of New York, with factories at Leominster, Mass
Small industry at corner Wellington and Herndon St., Chicago, where practical men make a few pianos bearing this name.
A piano of international renown, manufactured by the Weber Piano Co., of New York. The house of Weber was established in 1852. The pianos of this make have been held in high esteem by artists and the musical public. In 1904 the Weber Piano Co. received from His Majesty, Alfonso XIII, a royal warrant of appointment as piano manufacturers to the court of Spain. His Holiness, Pope Pius X, also honored this distinguished concern by appointing it his personal purveyor and also for the apostolic palaces.
The Weber, when introduced in 1852, won immediate response due to its tone quality, power and sympathy. It was awarded distinguished honors at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876; at the American Exhibition in London, in 1887, and at the Paris Exposition in 1889. Albert Weber, who supervised the manufacture, was a powerful figure in the music world of his day furthering the development of musical knowledge. The Weber Piano Company continued to produce fine pianos after his death and Aeolian carried on the tradition when they acquired the company.
The Weber piano, one of the oldest names in American-made pianos, made it a fourth top-of-the-line piano produced in the East Rochester plant, sharing that position with Knabe, Chickering and Mason & Hamlin.
Manufactured by the Kreiter Manufacturing Co. in the large and perfectly equipped factory of that industry at Marinette, Wis.
The Wellington pianos belong to the extensive line of instruments manufactured by The Cable Company Chicago They possess an attractiveness of and finish, elasticity of action and durability, not surpassed by many pianos of much higher price In tone quality, in durability and in appearance the Wellington pianos reveal evidences of masterly piano building skill and, price considered, are hard to equal. These instruments have been found so satisfactory that they are in great demand throughout the country and have also won an export trade of large proportions. While not an expensive piano the Wellington presents all the elegance of finish and melody of tone character that charm the lover of good pianos. It is a reliable piano in which the buyer receives a large return for a comparatively small investment. Its manufacturers possess peculiarly great facilities for the economical production of good pianos and they have succeeded in creating instruments of rare attractiveness at prices within the reach of the people. The Wellington is a safe piano and a splendid value. The Cable Company,
Pianos and player pianos of popular character and medium prices are made by the Wellsmore Piano Co., Inc, These instruments are fully guaranteed by their makers and are reliable in every way. They have long since demonstrated that they possess the qualities that satisfy.
Manufactured by the Werner Piano Co in a well-equipped factory in Chicago The Werner player-piano has secured an excellent reputation on account of its simple and effective method of operation and control.
Weser pianos and player-pianos arc made by the old established, highly responsible firm of Weser Bros., New York City, established in 1879. The product of this factory is shipped to all parts of the world and the organization is reputed to make one of the highest grade commercial pianos. Its factory covers more than three acres of working floor space. Weser pianos are noted for their excellent ease operation mechanical quality and attractive cases.
The Wentworth Piano Co., of Boston, manufactures pianos and player pianos.
Automatic pianos of reliable construction are manufactured by the Western Electric Piano Co.
Makers of the well known "Radi-O-Players' of attractive and quality features the characteristics of the instruments manufactured by The Weydig Corp.
Popular instruments manufactured by the Wheelock Piano Co., of New York, which are controlled by the Aeolian-Weber Corporation.
Popular pianos and player-pianos made by the Weydig Piano Corporation.
See the Kimball Piano Company.
This is the name of one of the popular pianos made by the Warren Piano Co. of Warren, Pa. The founder of this industry, Mr. Thomas. Cook, long ago gained a fine place in the trade by his upright methods and unchallenged integrity.
A thoroughly good piano of medium price, made by Smith, Barnes & Strohber Co., in their large factory at Chicago, Ill. The Willard piano has been on the market for more than twenty years. It has proved itself to be of dependable construction, good and lasting tone and reliable in every way.
Popular pianos and player-pianos manufactured by the Pease Piano Co. of New York, which insures their reliability as instruments of good tone and value of the medium grade.
Upright pianos, player-pianos, grands and reproducing pianos of distinctly high-grade quality and attractiveness are manufactured by the P S Wick Co., of North St. Paul, Minn. The best of materials are used in these instruments and the construction is beyond reproach. The result is a tone that is at once powerful, sensitive and, pleasing to critical ears. The case designs are refined and beautiful and the finish is in keeping. The P.S. Wick a piano of the progressive kind, and its makers are ambitious to win and sustain the reputation for producing none but instruments of the high class by which reputations are made. The president and treasurer of the company making these pianos is Mr. P. S. Wick, a gentleman of large experience in this line of industry. These famous instruments are now produced also in small grands and full-sized grands and they are in every way representative of their ambition fully realized.
Instruments of beautiful tone quality and fine craftsmanship manufactured by the Wilfred Piano Co., 156th St. and Whitlock Ave., New York. The company consists experts in the various departments of fine piano manufacture. The industry was established in 1913 and has grown steadily. The player-piano actions are manufactured in the company's factory as are also the piano cases. Wilfred pianos and player-pianos are the products of skilled artisans, and the members of the company take personal pride in the creations of their energies.
Wilson pianos and players are manufactured in the large and well-equipped factory of the Waltham Piano Company, at Milwaukee, Wis. The Wilson Piano fills the need for a well-constructed piano which can be marketed at a reasonable price and which is at the same time a reliable and durable instrument, which will stand the test of time and wear and has durability, excellent tonal qualities, artistic case designs, durable finish and has enjoyed an excellent demand which is constantly increasing.
Generally conceded to be one of America's largest and leading piano manufacturers, whose factory was located at 863 E. 141 Street, New York, N. Y., probably produced more instruments than any other single plant in the world. This company's enviable Position in no small way could be attributed to its open-minded approach to new methods and improvements and in its genuine interest in producing fine pianos. Winter had a reputation for progressiveness which resulted in beautifully toned, and styled pianos of long durability. This is the company that introduced the Alumatone plate; developed Practiano, a device permitting piano practice without disturbance to others in the room; and the Resotonic Scale. It was Winter & Company's Musette piano, first introduced in 1935, that launched the great re-styling movement which has swept the modern console into nation-wide popularity. Winter & Co. pianos and player-pianos are produced in an approved manner, and of the best materials and all genuine Winter pianos bear the name on the fall boards and it is cast in the iron plates. Pianos bearing this name are recommended as absolutely safe to buy.
With all equipment for production of quality pianos under the most economical conditions. The Winter factory is self-contained with a large lumber yard for storing and air-drying kilns to insure proper drying and aging of all wood parts. The Winter lumber mill is considered a model for completeness of equipment to turn out the most elaborate case work; as well as backs, pin blocks, bridges, etc., of the very highest quality. The veneers used in the Winter pianos are carefully selected for beauty of figure and a completely equipped veneering department with hot plate presses, automatic glue spreaders, veneer dryers, taping and matching machines insure productive efficiency and permanent bonding. Core stock is quarter-sawed in small strips so that even under the most adverse conditions, warping of case work is held to a minimum. In the case shop, elaborate sanding machines, as well as a staff of hand sanders, guarantee smooth rich finish.
All Winter piano cases are double filled and stained before best quality lacquer is applied to produce the handsome, durable finish. All exposed internal wood parts are filled and sealed to protect against moisture and atmospheric conditions. In stringing, action finishing, side-gluing, regulating and tuning, experienced craftsmen perform these operations by the best traditional hand methods. These men are of long experience. many having been with the company over thirty years, and have long training in the art of producing fine tone qualitv Steady employment at the Winter factory, as a result of the large demand for its pianos, has attracted the best and most experienced craftsmen. Every operation in the factory is passed upon by an inspector before moving on to the next department. Finally, each instrument is hand-rubbed, fine tuned, and a final inspection before shipment serves to protect the high standards of Winter pianos. The recognition given by the trade to the Winter line is the best evidence of their muscal excellence, fine quality and attractive designs. Winter & Co. make a very comprehensive line of pianos, consisting of grands, studios, spinets, and consoles in a varety of cases.
The Wing & Sons' pianos and player-pianos are manufactured by that firm in New York City, and are sold only direct to their own customers. The firm of Wing & Son is one of the oldest in the trade, having been established in 1868 as Doan, Wing & Cushing which was succeeded by Wing & Son in 1873, and now by a third successive generation of Wing piano makers.
Pianos and player-pianos of good character are made in steadily increasing numbers by Winkler Piano Co. Trenton, N. J. The product of experienced manufacturers, whose ambition is to excel, these instruments deserve the confidence of the musical public. They are favorites with a large number of the prominent pianists in Trenton, their home city.
Pianos and player-pianos manufactured by the Williams Piano & Organ Co., in their well-equipped factory at 127 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, enjoy a wide reputation for sweetness of tone and all-around reliability. The fine new Williams six-story fireproof factory is modern in every appointment and has every needed improvement for the manufacture of high-class pianos and every convenience for the welfare and comfort of their workmen. The Williams Piano & Organ Co. is the outgrowth of the old firm of J. W. Williams, established by J. W. Williams & Sons, 1884 recognized by artistic piano makers as a mail of unusual musical taste and judgment, has given much time, attention and scientific experimentation to that department of piano construction which specially pertaining is to tone. Mr. Williams successful endeavor has been to produce a piano that spontaneously responds to the varying moods of the musician and for the time likens a part of himself. This characteristic or quality can only lie found in pianos from an artistic instead of a commercial point of view. The Williams pianos are made by a firm of unquestioned integrity and of the highest commercial and personal responsibility, and is a safe piano to buy.
Mr. Otto Wissner a thoroughly skilled piano-maker whose ambition to excel has never relaxed. The tone quality of the Wissner pianos and player-pianos is of refined and satisfying character. The Wissner piano is used in a number of prominent music schools and colleges and always with most satisfactory results.
Established in 1856 For over a hundred years, instruments from Wurlitzer have increased the musical enjoyment of many generations throughout United States and the entire world. The Wurlitzer plant in DeKaIb, Illinois, devoted solely to the production of pianos, has expanded over the years to its present large-scale operation, and Wurlitzer electronic pianos (and electronic organs) are built in the new million-dollar plant in Corinth, Mississippi.
In 1935, Wurlitzer introduced the tradition breaking spinet piano, proving that a piano only thirty-nine inches high could replace the bulky instruments traditionally produced. Upon the design of this piano is based all modern piano production. Through science, research, and ingenuity, Wurlitzer has developed such exclusive features as Tone-crafted Hammers, Pentagonal Sound Board, Augmented Sound Board, and many others to provide a greater volume of rich, resonant tone. A unique achievement in finishes was "Wurlon," highly resistant to heat, cold, dryness, and moisture as well as mars, scratches, and abrasions~an attractive as well as durable and long-lasting finish. The complete line of Wurlitzer pianos offered a wide range of spinet, console, and studio-type designs, finished in a variety of fine woods, hand-rubbed to satin smoothness, and priced to suit any budget. Noted for their perfection of performance and beauty of appearance, Wurlitzer pianos give enduring satisfaction and were a handsome addition to any setting.
Introduced in 1955, the sensational Wurlitzer electronic piano has no strings or sound board, provided natural piano tone through means entirely electronic, weighs only sixty-eight pounds, carries like a suitcase by means of its handy porta-cover, is unaffected by changes in temperature or climatic conditions, has built in volume control, could be played "silently" with earphones plugged in, and offerd the additional important advantage of modest cost. A console model of the electronic piano, introduced in 1957, met with immediate popularity. This was the forerunner of all electronic and digital pianos of the information age.
All Wurlitzer pianos were manufactured under the name "Wurlitzer"; no stencil, second, or ghost names were employed. By pursuing the "one name" policy Wurlitzer avoided the confusion and misunderstanding commonly associated with the multiple name system. In fact, so widely known is Wurlitzer that the name "Wurlitzer" and the word "music" are practically synonymous, and millions of people continue to read about Wurlitzer pianos in leading national publications of vast circulation. Through dealers carefully selected by the manufacturer, more people buy Wurlitzer pianos than those of any other name. Wurlitzer is also the world's largest manufacturer of automatic phonographs.
During the 1960's the Wurlitzer line of pianos consisted of nearly fifty types, styles, and finishes. Wurlitzer manufactures spinet, console, studio (or school), grand, and player pianos, all of which carried the Wurlitzer name. The name Wurlitzer has been associated with the musical instrument industry since 1856.
Wurlitzer purchased the Chickering name, Baldwin bought Wurlitzer
Well-made pianos and player-pianos, manufactured by the Jewett Piano Co., of Leominster, Mass. These instruments have been in the market for many years and have sustained the reputation of a responsible industry.
Well-made pianos and player-pianos made by the W. Wuertz Co., Inc., 1907 Park Ave., New York.
(Electoner, Clavinova, and Portable Keyboards)
A Division of Yamaha Music Corporation, USA. Yamaha offers a full line of Electone key-boards designed for the home or professional entertainer, and manufactured in Thomaston, Georgia, and Hamamatsu, Japan.
For many years, Yamaha has sponsored the National Electone Keyboard Festival for keyboardists of all ages, awarding prizes for out-standing performance. Also, this division markets a line of innovative portable electronic keyboards that are attractive for the beginner and professional. The newest product category marketed in this division is the Clavinova keyboard products. These products incorporate a "piano touch" with many additional innovative features.
A complete line of grand, upright, console, and studio manufactured in Thomaston, Geougia, and Hamamatsu, Japan.
Yamaha builds several distinct series of grand pianos: The "C" seties and S-400B for concert and professional use; the "0" series for use by devoted en-thusiasts; and GH- 1 for home use. Yamaha offers pianists the opportunity to select the right instru-ment from a complete line of grands, starting with a 5'3" and going up through a 9' concert size.
The Everett piano line, also marketed by the Piano Division, is one of America's finest piano lines and has been manulactured since 1883.
Grand, upright, console, and studio pianos manufactured in Hamamatsu, Japan, and South Haven, Michigan. Yamaha International Corporation is the United States subsidiary of Nippon Gakki Co., Ltd., the world's leading manufacturer of pianos.
The first product to bear the Yamaha name was a reed organ built in 1887. The manufacture of pianos began in 1900. The trademark symbol that appears on every Yamaha product, three crossed tuning forks, soon became recognized world-wide as a mark of quality. Through innovative and dynamic engineering, Yamaha has been able to produce the large number of fine pianos it supplies for world markets while maintaining the high levels of craftsmanship and skills required to build fine musical instruments.
All Yamaha pianos built in Japan and the United States carry a ten-year warranty and offer the unique Yamaha "Full Service BondTM." Yamaha also produces a full line of electronic organs, guitars, band instruments, combo equipment, and sound reinforcement equipment.
Pianos and player-pianos made by the reliable Weaver Piano Co., of York, Pa. The York is a strictly high grade instrument of the utmost reliability. It possesses fine musical qualities and its case designs are of exceptional beauty. The York player-piano is an exceptional instrument, with heavy strings and back. It is fully warranted by this reliable company. It has superior tone quality, is strong and durable and responds equally well to the forceful, popular operator and the most cultured player of refined tastes. The cases are artistic in design and beautifully finished.
Grands, consoles, uprights. The Young Chang pianos, manufactured in Korea, have been in international competition since 1967 and have won gold and silver medals for excellence in Germany, Switzerland, Spain and The Netherlands. Each component of the Young Chang is fastidiously matched and adjusted to perfection. The incredibly clear and full bodied tone is a tribute to this unusual dedication to excellence, as is its touch, durability, stability, and its mirror-like finish. Distributed in the United States by the company's wholly owned subsidiary, Young Chang America, Inc.,
Young Chang pianos are precision crafted in Korea. But our search for the finest materials in the world takes us to the ends of the earth.
It takes us to the Royal George felt-works in England because only the finest felt will do for Young Chang hammers. It takes us to Germany and Japan for our premium core wire. From it we make the finest piano strings possible. It takes us to the forests of North America for our Sitka spruce. Light-weight but extremely strong, solid Sitka spruce is universally acknowledged as the ideal material for piano soundboards. And we go one better than most piano manufacturers by using this durable wood for our keys and backposts as well. Solid maple pin blocks and action parts are another hallmark of the best pianos. And Young Chang's maple comes from England, and Vermont. From only the best sources: Vermont, Michigan and Japan
But a great piano is more than the sum of its parts. Each Young Chang piano is expertly assembled in Korea. Our combination of exacting precision and cost-effective operation can't be found anywhere else. The result is a high-quality line of pianos without the high prices.
KARL ZECK This name has been established by the Karl Zeck Company, and the instruments are made by the Clarenden Piano Co., a division of the Haddorif Piano Co.
Max and Richard Zimmermann began to manufacture their first pianos in 1884 in Germany in the town of Moelken. In the years to follow, the business increased steadily, and by 1904 they had expanded to a second factory.
Zimmerman today carries on the old tradition of training craftsmen in a three-year program which makes them the master of the basic building. The line consists of a 4'9" grand in three styles: Chippendale, Chippendale Antique, and Traditional. They are available in walnut, mahogany, or ebony in polish or satin. Rosewood may be obtained on special order. The upright line is available in a 43" size and four models in smoked oak, walnut, mahogany, and ebony, polished or satin.