Brand Names Starting with Letter N |
"Everything you always wanted to know about pianos but didn't know who to ask"
Coin operated pianos bearing this name were admirable instruments in every respect. They were manufactured by the National Electric Piano and Roll Co. of St. Johnsville. N. Y. These instruments were especially suited for theaters and other places of public entertainment. Also manufacture "Peerless" models, "Cabaret," "Elite" and "DeLuxe Orchestrion."
The principals of this company have been identified with the manufacture and sale of pianos since 1898. This concern manufactures consoles and verticals in authentic period and conventional models, using only the best materials and skilled labor, and produced under the supervision of recognized experts. The company specializes in custom-built models in rarest woods, designed to match the furniture or interior decoration of exclusive homes.
Established in 1850, the National Piano Corp., manufactures the famous Shoninger Piano that included the following styles: Conventional, Colonial, Modern, Queen Anne, Regency, Louis XV French Provincial and a school model console. Both spinets and consoles are obtainable in any of the above styles. All styles were offered in mahogany and walnut butcould also be had in special finishes such as antique white or ebony with or without gold trim. Any other special finishes were available on order.
Specifications on the Shoninger are rigid and exacting and incorporate the latest developments in piano manufacturing. Every Shoninger has three working pedals, the middle being bass sustaining. The pin block is constructed of 7-ply hard rock maple. It is beautifully finished and may be seen for inspection. Its faultless construction obviates any need to cover it with felt or plywood. Heavy reinforced stapled moth proofed hammers are used in every Shoninger.Piano. Since 1850 Shoninger has always been recognized as a custom built piano and has been known for superior tonal quality, durability of construction and elegance of case design.
Aside from the force and influence of an old and distinguished name the Needham pianos possess merit and are handsome instruments. Needham player-pianos are equally reliable. Made by the Needham Co., controlled Kindler & Collins, New York City. The Needham name was established in 1846 by Elias Parkham Needham.
Players, grands and automatic pianos designed for private, as well as public use in places of refined entertainment, theaters and other purposes, are the products of The Nelson-Wiggen Piano Co., of Chicago. These instruments embrace the Pian-O-Grand, the Harp-O-Grand and the Banj-O-Grand all of durable and dependable construction and capable of the musical effects of orchestras. The Pian-O-Grand is equipped with xylophone, or bells and banjo attachment.
1956 - 160000 1959 - 169000 1962 - 180000 1965 - 191000
1957 - 163100 1960 - 172000 1963 - 183000 1966 - 191800
1958 - 166000 1961 - 176000 1964 - 187000Pianos and player-pianos bearing this well-known name is the product of the C. F. Netzow Manufacturing Co., of Milwaukee, Wis. They are instruments of admirable quality, The ambition of the manufacturer being to produce only instruments of a high grade in which purchasers are insured the requisite results and good large values.
Established 1884. Owned and controlled by National Piano Corporation. The factory of the Newby & Evans Co. Was at the corner of Southern Blvd. and 136th St., New York. The business, which was started in 1884, was incorporated in 1897 made uprights only, for which they obtained high awards in 1890 at the Atlanta (GL) exposition. The Newby & Evans player-pianos were equally reliable and contain improvements which stamp them as instruments of superior quality.
Newman Bros. Co. manufacture the highest quality Grand, upright, player and Reproducing pianos; phonographs, player actions and reproducing actions. Their pianos, both in the Grand and upright designs, are especially known for their remarkably appealing tonal qualities. The sweet mellowness of tone, and wide range of volume make their instruments a favorite with those musically educated. Their styles are always of the most modern design, and the superior durability of Newman Bros. instruments is well known and readily understood when it is known they employ in all departments only the most skilled of the piano trade craftsmen, and all material must measure up to their critical requirements before it can enter into the construction of a "Newman Bros." It is expected of a Newman Bros. instrument "that it stays in tune longer and requires fewer repairs than instruments of other manufacture." All their instruments are built up to a standard, and not down to a price. Each instrument is most care) fully and individually built, and none "rushed" through in large "lots." Their player-pianos are of the better type and are unusually responsive instruments. Their reproducing pianos, in grand and upright designs, contain their own remarkable reproducing action. They are truly a delightful instrument and made to contain the most standard and generally used reproducing roll. By simply pressing a button, there is splendidly reproduced the actual playing, with the varying degrees of touch and tone. Loudness and softness of the composer of the piece. Newman Bros. Co. occupies their own factories at Dix Street and Chicago Avenue, Chicago, and they are model buildings in all that term implies. They are well equipped with modern machinery, every facility necessary for the production of superior pianos being afforded. More than fifty years experience in making only high grade instruments is sufficient assurance that the discriminating purchaser will take great pride in their "Newman Bros." For instruments of their high quality, their prices are remarkably reasonable.
Pianos, player-pianos, electric expression pianos, reproducing pianos and grands made by Newton Piano Co., New York City. Favorite Newton pianos were first placed on the market in 1899 by Camp & Co. Newton Camp, the founder of that concern, was an experienced piano and organ builder who had devoted his lifetime to the science of constructing musical instruments. He was for many years a member of the famous firm of Estey & Camp. It was always Newton Camp's ambition to build a piano that would gratify his ideals as to what a really high grade piano should be. After years of ceaseless experimenting, Newton Camp at last perfected his product, and in 1899 together with several of the most experienced piano makers of New York City the organized the firm of Camp & Co. The piano was called" The Newton," adopting as the name of the instrument, the given name of the man who was chiefly responsible for its all round excellence. Several years later, after the Newton piano had proven a success and the name Newton was firmly impressed on the minds of the public as representative of a piano of real worth, it was decided to change the name of the company to the Newton Piano Co., in order that the manufacturing company might be more closely identified in the popular mind with the piano, and that each might lend the additional strength of its prestige to the other. The Newton pianos and player-pianos and grands are easy, reliable, and they give great satisfaction wherever introduced.
Well made and reliable pianos manufactured by the James & Holmstrom Piano Co., Inc.
A. E. Noble, proprietor of the Noble Piano Co., of Detroit
The effects of the Nordlund Grand Piano Co., Chicago, were sold in October 1925, to the New Delaware Piano Co. of Muncie. Ind. which continued to employ the Nordlund scales.
Pianos and player-pianos bearing this name are the products of the Holland Piano Mfg. Co., of Minneapolis Minn. with factory in Menomonie, Wis. These instruments have won an enviable place in the musical world by their attractive appearance, fine tone and durable construction. The name is that of the president of the industry by which Geo. B. Norris instruments are made. This fact gives to these pianos and player pianos a prestige that is recognized by the piano trade. These instruments are characterized by a rich and sonorous tone; the touch is fine and the outward appearance beautiful. They are made by a reliable industry and are sold with assurance of good results by piano dealers throughout the country. The factory at Menomonie, Wis. , is under the personal management of Mr. Jas. B. Sleeper, one of the acknowledged experts in American piano construction. See Holland Piano Mfg. Co.
Pianos and player-pianos bearing this old established name have been on the market since 1873 and have always been of good quality. They are made in the factories of Jacob Doll & Sons Piano Co.
Pianos and players of this name are made in their modem and completely equipped factory at East Rochester, N. Y. These instruments have been before the public for upwards of fifteen years and each year has gained in reputation. The cases are of modern construction.