Etude (Aeolian Harp) Op 25 No 1        



Music is the fourth great material want of human nature. First comes food, then clothing, then shelter, and then comes MUSIC. Music has no bad after-affects. It is an energizing spirit which never dies. Tunes make deep and lasting impressions which cheer and refresh men's minds as occasion arises. What would a wedding, parade, circus, theatre, church or even a funeral be without music? Mothers sing their children to sleep. Music composes your thoughts, soothes your passions, and is that to which parents ought to give the greatest encouragement.

Self - expression through music contributes to character building. The coming generation should be performers as well as listeners. Joy is best expressed through music of your own making. Every feeling, including fear, finds relief in music. If you are in trouble, your radio will drive you mad, but your piano will be your comfort.

Children learn music much more easily than they learn reading, writing or arithmetic - it rests both mind and body after uninteresting study of other school subjects. Music students invariably are the best patrons libraries. They are better posted on current events, history, invention,. finance, etc. Learning quicker to make their own way in life.

Music is simply arithmetical progression of pleasing sounds, or tones. Tones are pleasing because they are vibrations of sound evenly spaced. Anyone can play music as any teacher or psychologist will tell you. There is no such thing as a tone-deaf human being, properly taught. Every child can play a musical instrument. Any small amount of musical training helps a child become a happier adult. Music provides everyone with a wonderful means of self expression - an emotional outlet that is never lost Response to music comes early in life. The toddler is happiest if he can clang a pot cover against a dishpan to create music. The first grader thrives on rhythm and song.

Personal performance of music places one in tune with the Infinite. Notes being nothing but uneven vibrations of sound, naturally has the opposite affect. Discords creating discords, as it were. Let your child "find himself" in music.

The song "Home Sweet Home," has brought more wayward, boys and girls back to the fireside than all the police in the world.

It is not enough to teach a child how to achieve material success. We must teach him how to occupy his leisure time. Children should be heard as well as seen - otherwise an inferiority complex may develop. Musical training, is a great social asset It adorns riches and ameliorates poverty.

Without a piano in use, a mansion is not even a home. Music in the home puts sunshine in the heart. Musicians reach maturity and success earlier in their careers than other professional people. Young musicians are always preferred and generally have larger incomes.

Positive proof that music is the best mind trainer comes from Oxford University. Only ten percent of the students there study music, yet this ten percent takes 75 percent of all the school prizes and scholarships. That not being the record of a single year, but the average over a period of 30 successive years.

Music is a universal impulse. As a public school study, music is just as important as botany, biology, trigonometry, geometry, etc., every one of which is forgotten in after-life. Absolute coordination of eye, ear and hand is required of music students. What better training in concentration? Music students are nearly always found at the head of their classes in other studies. Enrollment in school bands reduces truancy, too. If your town has a crowd of bad boys, organize them into a band, buy them some bright new uniforms - then look out for results.

Music industry statistics indicate that there are in the United States more musicians than there are ministers or lawyers, and five times as many as there are journalists. This, of course, does not take into consideration the 32 million amateur musicians. There are now more than 210,000 school bands and orchestras. Incidentally, there are over 25,000,000 pianos, 640,000 music teachers and more than 10 million children taking music lessons in the United States. Over 300 cities have group piano classes using the improved and simplified "fun" methods, starting right at the beginning with tunes. The profession of teaching music is more lucrative than the teaching of any other one subject.

The boy or girl who plays a musical instrument is never a "wall flower," never lacks for company or amusement. He or she is the center of every group. Always in demand.

Wealthy parents can afford to employ private tutors to develop any musical talent their children may possess. But not so the average mechanic, farmer, or professional man whose income does not justify the expenditure. Musical talent should be developed in the public schools, just the same as any other talent.

If for no other reason, instrumental music should be taught in the public schools from a vocational standpoint. Every one of my readers probably knows at least one boy who, by playing a saxophone, cornet, guitar, piano or; drum earned enough money to pay his way through college earned easier and more pleasantly than by students who sold magazines, worked in restaurants, etc: Music is a dignified and highly desirable profession.

Approximately three billion dollars is spent annually in this country on music. The TV broadcasting stations alone will spend $50,000,000 this year. Artists too numerous to mention receive fabulous fees for public appearances. Leaders in all lines of human endeavor find relaxation in music of their own making.

Every child ought to have in public school the privilege of one music lesson each day, if he so desires. An elective study, or better still, a major study, if you please, with credit toward graduation. Three-fourths of the colleges and universities now accept music credits for entrance.

Music being the only art sent from Heaven to Earth, and the only earthly art that is taken back to Heaven, its study is naturally conducive to better citizenship, happier home life, and higher general standards of thought.

America is the greatest musical nation in the world, not so much in the acclaimed achievements of a few great composers, but in the actual daily participation in music. There are more pianos in use in this great country per thousand population than any other country in the world. You can derive more satisfaction from a one-finger, melody played on a piano than listening to the radio or watching television for hour.

No one ever heard a parent say that he was sorry his child played the piano.