of Pianos
D I S C O N T I N U E D B R A N D N A M E S A F T E R 1 9 8 0
The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester was comprised of a series of separate and individual factories planned so that manufacturing of the various instruments was carried on in an entirely individual and distinct manner, and by separate organizations, each under direction of men who had been associated with each respective make for many years, thus preserving, unimpaired, the individual and distinctive qualities of each piano. Combined they made a great and powerful contribution to the art of music, for each of the great instruments they produced will continue providing magnificent music for generations to come. Name brands built in East Rochester include Chickering & Sons, J & C Fischer, Wm. Knabe, Mason & Hamlin, and George Steck.
H. B. Tremaine was a business genius who brought about the commercial exploitation of the piano player on a big scale. Tremaine's father had built a successful small business making and cranked table-top-sized mechanical organs, a very popular item in homes in the late 1800's. He founded the "Aeolian Organ and Music Company" around 1888; the firm achieved considerable success with larger instruments and organs. His son took over in 1899 and immediately set about to apply his own business acumen to the company's affairs. With the newly perfected "Pianola,' he launched an aggressive advertising campaign which was entirely new to the stodgy piano business. With four page color advertisements (almost unheard of in that day) published in the popular magazines, he literally stunned the piano industry with the message that here, indeed, was the answer to everyone's prayer for music in the home! Tremaine and Pianola built an enormous business empire over the next thirty years. It wasn't long after the turn of the century that it was deemed desirable to "miniaturize" the clumsy Pianola and other similar, instruments so that they could be built directly inside the pianos. Within a few short years, the push up"players disappeared from the scene. By this time everyone got into the act, and every piano maker so manufactured a player of some sort.
This name is known the world over in connection with musical instruments, It is applied to some of the various products of the Aeolian Company of New York which instruments of renown included the Duo Art Pianola, Weber Pianola, Steck Pianola, Wheelock Pianola, Stuyvesant Pianola, Steinway Duo Art Pianola, Stroud Pianola the Aeolian Orchestrelle and the Aeolian Pipe Organ; it also controlled the Meludee Music Co., Inc., and the Universal Music Co.
1903-1900 1904-3000 1905-5400 1906-9000
1907-12000 1908-15000 1909-19000 1910-23000
1911-27000 1912-31000 1913-35000 1914-39000
1915-43000 1916-47000 1917-51000 1918-55000
1919-59000 1920-30000 1921-70000 1922-70000
1923-73000 1924-76000 1925-78000 1926-80000
1927-82000 1928-85000 1929-88000 1930-91000
1931-94000 1932-97000 1933-98000AEOLIAN-AMERICAN DIVISION OF AEOLIAN CORP.
Piano lines controlled and manufactured by this Division listed alphabetically include Chickering & Sons, Wm. Knabe & Co., Mason & Hamlin and Weber. The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester consist of over 250,000 sq. ft. of space situated on over eight acres of land occupied and devoted exclusively to the manufacture of only pianos since 1906. Aeolian was one of America's largest producers of grand pianos. Instruments made by Aeolian American Division enjoyed an unquestioned reputation throughout the world
Aeolian - American was the consolidation of the American Piano Company, Aeolian Piano Company formerly Winter & Company, and Weber Piano Company. Factories were located at East Rochester N.Y., Worchester Ma. and Memphis, Tenn.
Aeolian probably produced more instruments than any other company in the U.S. Founded as Heller & Co. in 1899, later incorporated as Winter & Co. in 1903, the firm became affiliated with Sears Roebuck and Co. In 1941 William G. Heller, Henry R. Heller and associates acquired the Sears interest and devoted the production to defense work during World War II. Faith in the industry and the conviction that the piano industry needed someone to keep the venerable manufacturers in operation, Aeolian has acquired companies which would not otherwise have survived.
During 1960 the work force included only excellent craftsmen under the direction of people who had been associated with these fine makes for many years, thus preserving unimpaired the Individual and distinctive quality of each piano. The affiliation of the various houses that formed this large and powerful contributing force to the art of music, insures for each a wider scope for musical activity in that each of its units was of the highest quality in its grade, which had an extraordinary economy of production. This company's purchasing power contributed immeasurably to the integrity and value of instruments that were made in the various Divisions.
Aeolian Corporation, which in 1982 owned over 40 registered brand names, the product of merger and acquisitions over the years combining 16 domestic piano producers and the largest Canadian producer. Recognition was given by the trade to the various Aeolian lines is the best evidence that Aeolian Corporation pianos manufactured in Memphis and East Rochester, fulfilled every requirement in grands, studios, spinets, consoles and players in a variety of scales and finishes, as well as case designs. Aeolian produced not only the concert and beginners piano, but also for the artist and leisure time musician.
Although production ceased in 1982 and 1985 there are countless thousands of Aeolian -American pianos still in use throughout America, in private homes, schools, churches and rental fleets. They were not always the most expensive, and some of their designs were, while aesthetically correct they weren't always perfect, but they did and still do provide students with the perfect entry level piano ever made at a price that most families could afford.
A B Chase Gabler Musette Aeolian Haines & Co. Normandie Armstrong Haines Bros. Pease Bent, George P. W.P. Haines Pianette Bradbury Hallet & Davis Pianola Brewster Hardman Poole D.S. Buchanan Heller & Company Primatone Cable Holmer & Sons Restonic Cable, Fayette S. Holmes & Co. Rudolph Carola Huntington Schneider, Chickering Ivers & Pond Schiller Conover - Cable Kingsbury George Steck Cook, J.B. Knabe Sterling Crown Kranich & Bach Sting Duo - Art Laffargue Stratford Elbridge Lindeman Stroud Ellsworth Marshall & Wendell Stuyvesant Emerson Mason & Hamlin Vose & Sons Euphona Mehlin & Sons R. W. Waude, J & C. Fischer Melodigrand Weber Foster - Armstrong Mendelssohn Wheelock Franklin Henry F. Miller Wellington See individual names for numbers not listed.
Aeolian distinguished itself as a piano maker, not merely an assembler. Aeolian plants produced pianos that were quality assured, one of the reasons that over the years many of the largest school systems in the United States have selected their pianos exclusively. In addition, broadcasting stations, colleges, music schools, universities, operas, and symphonies have countless Aeolian pianos in constant service, this was during the time that American Institutions purchased pianos on limited budgets, not as commercial endorsements or University and College Piano Sale locations.
1885-3000 1918-65000 1939-79600 1965-104300 1890-7000 1919-67100 1940-79000 1966-109800 1895-16000 1920-66900 1946-80000 1967-112300 1900-24000 1921-70000 1947-80300 1968-116000 1901-28000 1922-71000 1948-82000 1969-120000 1902-31000 1923-72100 1949-83000 1970-121900 1903-33400 1924-73200 1950-84000 1971-124900 1904-35600 1925-74500 1951-85100 1972-127200 1905-37800 1926-75700 1952-85600 1973-130700 1906-40000 1927-76000 1953-85900 1974-135600 1907-42000 1928-76500 1954-86200 1975-137500 1908-44000 1929-77000 1955-86350 1976-140900 1909-46200 1930-77500 1956-86550 1977-142800 1910-48100 1931-77700 1957-87873 1978-144000 1911-50000 1932-77900 1958-86900 1979-145600 1912-51800 1933-78100 1959-88761 1980-148000 1913-53000 1934-78300 1960-91014 1981-150500 1914-55000 1935-78400 1961-92221 1982-153300 1915-57900 1936-78600 1962-94370 1983-156400 1916-60000 1937-79000 1963-97026 1984-159700 1917-62500 1938-79400 1964-100442 1985-Discontinued POOLE & AEOLIAN NUMBERS
1900-26000 1918-65000 1936-77500 1958-88500 1901-29000 1919-87100 1937-77600 1959-89816 1902-32000 1920-68900 1938-77700 1960-92800 1903-35000 1921-70000 1939-77800 1967-119400 1904-37000 1922-71000 1940-77900 1968-132800 1905-38500 1923-72000 1941-78000 1969-140300 1906-40000 1924-73200 1942-78200 1970-146000 1907-42000 1925-74500 1946-78300 1971-153400 1908-44000 1926-75700 1947-78400 1972-166600 1909-46200 1927-76000 1948-78500 1973-167600 1910-48100 1928-76500 1949-78800 1974-171800 1911-50000 1929-76700 1950-81000 1975-177000 1912-51800 1930-76800 1951-82000 1976-185900 1913-53000 1931-76900 1952-83400 1977-189000 1914-55000 1932-77000 1953-84600 1978-194000 1915-57900 1933-77200 1954-85300 1979-201500 1916-60000 1934-77300 1956-88400 1980-208700 1917-62500 1935-77400 1957-87490 1981-214200 Founded in 1854 by Wm. B. Bradbury, a man of fine musical taste and education, the writer of many hymns and songs used to this day. Bradbury pianos retain the traditions of quality and workmanship established for over 100 years. In styling, today's Bradbury models follow the trend towards less expensive, smaller, more compact, instruments. Bradbury pianos are made in a variety of designs: spinets, consoles, and grand pianos. Many institutions and schools are using the Bradbury, despite the fact that this piano is especially designed for home use. Structurally, the Bradbury incorporates quality in modern piano building.
Original Cable Piano, an instrument of high standing and one which has always attained great popularity, was sold extensively in all parts of the U. S. and abroad. It possessed that pleasing attribute in exceptionally sweet tone, one of richness and exquisite delicacy, especially recommending it for studio and home use. Its lasting qualities are as unexcelled as skill, first-class workmanship and patient attention to the infinite details that piano building can insure. The original Cable Piano not only has the best qualities that distinguish an instrument of high standing, but those superior qualities of tone and action which are rendered possible by a construction and design especially adequate to production of such desirable results.
Cable Studio piano, due to its rugged durability, has been selected and recognized by many schools, colleges, music conservatories and public institutions where long lasting service is a requisite. Durable features embodied in original Cable pianos over many years are still being employed in attractively designed consoles and spinets and grand pianos. A product of Aeolian Corp.
For generations, Hobart M. Cable pianos have been bringing music into homes around the country. The Hobart M. Cable piano line has taken great pride in providing fine quality home pianos at a very modest and affordable price. Its features include three working brass pedals for better tone control and longer strings for better sound. It's no wonder that nearly 100,000 pianos carry the Hobart M. Cable name in living rooms everywhere.
Founded in Chicago in 1903, Cable-Nelson Piano Co. moved to South Haven, Mich., in 1905. In 1926, company merged with Everett Piano of Boston, and Everett became surviving company. Cable-Nelson pianos are made in sizes 41" and 37" in height, and since 1903, almost 410,000 pianos have been made bearing name Cable-Nelson. Cable-Nelson piano of today is made in a large variety of styles and finishes, and is popular-priced companion to famous Everett piano. Purchased by Yamaha in 1973.
The Calisia piano and grand piano factory were founded in 1878 in the city of Kalisz, Poland. Calisia has a long and rich tradition of piano manufacturing. Its 350 skilled craftsmen build about 5,000 upright and grand pianos annually. Calisia pianos are sold in every country in Europe. They are also widely known and sold in the Middle East, Africa, The Orient, and Australia. Each Calisia piano is hand-made in the Old WorkI piano-building tradition. Calisia pianos are not mass-produced. Each worker is allowed extra time, if necessary, to finish the job to his satisfaction. An enormous stock of wood, enough for the production of pianos for the next ten years, is constantly being refilled. All wood is seasoned outdoors for two years and then is subjected to additional dry-kiln seasoning. The result is a moisture content of five percent, which meets an(l exceeds all North American standards.
Since Calisia pianos are made the old, traditional way, all cabinet parts are made out of solid wood. No particle board, flake-hoard, or other imitation recycled by-products are ever used. In addition, no inexpensive high-speed mold-injected plastic action parts are ever used. Calisia's craftsmen prefer to build pianos with tried and true methods of piano-making that have stood the test of time. Calisia uses only premium all-wood actions with a center rail made of densified beech hard-wood. Grand pianos feature the famous Renner action from West Germany.
This extra-wide design, the frame an withstand and distribute the tension much more evenly. The strength of the piano structure is very important to help control tuning stability. Each string (about 230 strings in a piano) has up to 180 pounds of tension. This amounts to approximately 20 tons of tension or the combined weight of 9 (nine) full size automobiles when the piano is in tune.
The tension must be supported by the back frame construction (a combination of the metal plate and back posts). The stronger the back frame, the longer the piano will stay in tune. In addition, this frame design permits a narrower cabinet de-sign with a slimmer silhouette which is not so "bulky looking" as some pianos. Keys are individually lead-weighted and balanced to ensure uniformity of touch and response. All upright models feature full or half-size toe blocks, castors, three working pedals, fallboard lock, deluxe benches, solid brass hardware, and other quality features. Calisia pianos have a full 30-year warranty on the whole piano and are priced the same as Korean-made pianos.
This company began manufacturing two lines of pianos in 1979A New Standard Of Excellence. A new instrument, built in the old German tradition, is now available for the discerning musician. Designed and produced by veteran piano craftsman Sam Camilleri, this 7 mahogany instrument was the first in a limited series of 50 pianos to be built each year. The unique performance capabilities of the JC-7 are attributable to what Camilleri calls, "The most fantastic machine ever designed, the most perfect tool ever invented, the human hand."
Built by Wurlitzer owned by Baldwin. Entry level pianos during late 1980's, early 1990's.
As a division of The Aeolian Corp. Factory: East Rochester, N. Y. Established in 1823, Chickering & Sons celebrated in 1923 the completion of a century of continuous manufacture of Chickering pianos. This illustrious firm, the oldest piano name in the United States, has been at all times in the forefront and has received world-wide recognition for its part in developing the pianoforte on distinctive lines. Jonas Chickering, the founder, was born at Mason Village, New Hampshire, in April, 1796, where, after a sound schooling, he thoroughly learned the business of cabinet-making. Impelled by a restless ambition to seek a larger field, he went to Boston in his early twenties. There he entered the factory of a well-known piano maker of those days and pursued a course of study in piano-making in its then primitive stage. It was not long before the ability of Jonas Chickering manifested itself, and he introduced a series of changes and improvements which have since become standard and which revolutionized the methods then prevailing. His name from the earliest times has been constantly linked with the Americanizing of the piano by methods of such importance and value that both America and Europe today admit their worth by universal adoption.
The list of pianists. composers and musicians who have since its inception used and endorsed the Chickering piano is too long to include here. Several years ago this great name, content with its already rich background of achievement on the concert stage, turned its attention to the perfection of a smaller piano. The Chickering is essentially a piano for the home. The first successful small grand was a Chickering and. today. the exquisite instruments made by this famouq house bear witness to the scientific and successful solution of the problem of bringing into the confines of pleasingly curtailed dimensions the rich sonority and perfect balance and nobility of tone of the larger grand. A notable achievement in both tone and beauty of case is seen in the Chickering pianos of the new vertical type especially designed to meet today's problem of space in the smaller apartments, preserving beauty and tonal quality. Chickering offers both console styles and grand pianos. The present factory of Chickering & Sons, at East Rochester, New York, presents an example of superb modern equipment linked with the pride of workmanship.
Piano belongs in the highest grade manufactured. J. Frank Conover was considered one of the world's greatest piano makers, a man who devoted over 40 years of his life to the study of a single problem tone. Behind the life work of Mr. Conover are the present unlimited resources of the makers-the Aeolian Corp., with unsurpassed modernized factory facilities and an organization of most competent experts. Conover scale has met and is constantly meeting the highest requirements of musicians.
Company was established in 1875, and honors J. Frank Conover who introduced his now famous piano in the same year Company manufactures a wide variety of both spinets and consoles. They have long been known for the lasting quality of their instruments and for their exquisite appearance as to finish. Plant is extremely large and well equipped so that every advantage can be taken of modern engineering techniques combined with old time hand operations.
To preserve the richly grained wood which has distinguished its pianos year after year, the Currier Company recently introduced a phenomenal new protective finish called "CurriercoteTM." Developed by Thad M. Poteat, president, and announced in early 1977, Curriercote enhances the heirloom value of the Currier Piano so that generations of users can enjoy its beauty.
Curriercote protects the deeply marbled under-finish of the Currier Piano from scratches, scrapes, and water damage even from smoldering cigarettes. Its basis is a special chemical formula developed by a leading chemical company with direction from Currier. Rather than replacing the superb hardwood finish that has become a tradition at Currier, Curriecote provides a tough barrier be-tween wood and generations of wear and tear.
Currier Piano Company's heritage of handcrafted excellence began in 1823 with the Boston founding of Currier & Company. U.S. Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams were early owners of Currier Pianos. Since the heart of fine piano manufacture is not found in highly mechanized operations, Currier Piano built its present plant in Western North Carolina. This lush mountain country provided Currier with two vital assets-craftsmen and artisans capable of patient, expertly handcrafted work and a ready supply of premium mountain hardwoods and fruitwoods. The special know-how, gentle pride, and attention to detail that mountain craftsmen bring to work every day constitute the real trademark of Currier.
Since moving into its new, modern 90,000 square-foot plant in Marion, North Carolina, Currier has broadened its manufacturing capabilities to include deluxe style consoles, professional studios as well as a line of quality grand pianos. Along with its regular spinet and console production, these new additions enable Currier to meet all piano needs. The Parents' Magazine Guaranteed Seal has been awarded to the Currier Piano Company for the eighth year. By meeting rigid product standards and professional inspections by Parents' Consumer Products Testing Bureau, Currier provides a piano guaranteed by two outstanding companies-Parents' Magazine and Currier Piano Company.
C. P.O. Box 2810, Seoul, Korea. As Korea's largest leading trading company, controlling more than 50 subsidiary companies. Daewoo practiced one of the most successful programs in the field of manufacturing musical instruments, such as pianos, guitars, banjos, mandolins, violins, metronomes, harmonicas, melodicas, amplifiers, and other various kinds of musical accessories. Annual production of the factory (named SAU JIN) includes 18,000 pianos and 600,000 fretted instruments, as well as a fine selection and range of other quality musical instruments, in a 660,000 square foot plant on a 2,200,000 square foot tract of land. And these "Arirang" brand musical instruments have earned an excellent reputation from both musicians and business circles alike.
The Daytron Keyboard Division of Daewoo International (America) Corp. introduced its new piano line in 1981. Daewoo International (America) Corp. is a member of the Daewoo Industrial Company, Ltd., one of the world's largest leading trading companies, controlling more than 50 subsidiaries in 42 countries.
One of Daewoo's subsidiaries since 1963 is the Saujin piano factory near Seoul, Korea. The Daytron piano is produced by Saujin, the largest manufacturer of quality pianos in the Far East, in a new, consolidated, 660,000 square foot factory using the latest state-of-the-art equipment and technology available worldwide. In addition to exporting Daytron pianos to Asian, European, and other world markets where the company has earned a quality reputation, Daewoo imports American-made keyboard instruments and distributes them in Asia. Thus, highly sensitive to the importance of quality and reliability for the global market acceptance of its many products, Daewoo, through its vast and reliable resources, has combed the earth to find components for Daytron known to be the finest in the world: English felts and brass; steel and copper-wound strings from Germany; 10-ply laminated pin-blocks from Germany; precision-machined nickel-plated tuning pins from Japan; and critical woods-Sitka spruce and rock maple from North America.
The Daytron pianos are available in four vertical series (42", 44", 48", and 52") in a variety of styles and finishes with both continental and American styling, including colonial. Daytron has recently introduced a line of grand pianos that is available for immediate delivery.
Pianos made by Dietmann Klavier, Hamburg, Germany assembled in South Africa
Names used: Dietmann, Otto Bach, Bernhard SteinerBangan Ohashi, a master craftsman of piano scale design, created the Diapason four decades ago. Ohashi's combination of Old World artistry and modern research technology culminated in the Diapason High Grand Piano. The Diapason piano is for the professional and serious piano student is suited for the studio, school, church, rehearsal room, and home. It is uniquely built to meet stringent artistic demands and is acclaimed for performance and superb sound. The sound boated is select Sitka spruce, and the hammers are Renner. The strings, bridges, keyboard, action, tuning pins, and pin block are all crafted and/or machined from the best materials available to assure stability and enduring quality.
The Diapason exceeds the Japanese standards for quality piano manufacturing and has been awarded the coveted JIS (Japan Industry Standard) mark of recognition for being of superb quality.
(Bernhard Steiner Pianos
One of the oldest and most respected of all player-piano names, DuoArt is the newest of all present-day player makes. DuoArt features such special refinements as automatic expression control, a device activated by music roll perforations, and which engages sustaining pedal; a sensitive volume control and a transposer bar to permit playing in any of five different keys. Other expression devices include soft bass and treble buttons, which may be em-ployed separately or together for muting melody or bass chords. In addition, a loud pedal lever may be used to sustain tones. Finally, tempo can be set or changed during play by a flick of the finger. DuoArt comes equipped with authentic foot pedals that enable adding rhythm and subtle expression variations. An &ectric motor unit allows enjoying player-piano music without effort. DuoArt uses per-formance-proven Standard Pneumatic Action Co. player mechanism. As a regular manual console piano, DuoArt is perfect for beginners or the accomplished. When all player controls are hidden from sight, DuoArt is a fine direct blow console, with responsive action and rich tone. DuoArt is available in a choice of two styles.
The Automatic Musical Instruments (AMI), Inc.
The Entertainer is a nine-piece band, a player piano, and a manual piano. It's the only piano the home or commercial user will need. The world's first and only computer-controlled or-chestrion piano, it uses the Marantz Pianocorder System and can therefore use all Marantz piano tapes and the company's own orchestrion tape cartridges. This "live music" instrument has volume control, simplicity of operation, retractable see-through keyboard cover, and an easy tilt-out instrument shelf for easy tuning.
One of the oldest and most respected piano manufacturers, having begun production in Boston, Massachusetts in 1883, Everett Piano Company is also recognized for its modern plant facilities in South Haven, Michigan. The firm moved to the shores of Lake Michigan in 1926.
The 45 inch Everett Style 11 school piano has been chosen by more than 10,000 schools, colleges, universities, and churches. It meets the rigid specifications established by Dr. Ed Carter, Western Michigan University, which have been generally accepted as a standard for the purchase of institutional pianos. In addition, two other 45 inch vertical were in popular demand the Home Professional, in walnut and pecan; and the beautiful Chapel piano, in oak.
Everett Piano Company was purchased by Yamaha International Corporation in September 1973. Everett pianos are known for their fine musical quality and are designed by William Faber of Grand Rapids, Michigan, a well known expert in the field of furniture designs.
Fazer pianos feature Linger keys and actions, a four layer laminated soundboard, and German Roslau steel treble wire strings. By Musiikki Fazer Musik AB Halkia, Finland - No longer imported into the US Owned by Hellas Piano, Finland
Manufactured by Aeolian Pianos, Inc. One of the oldest and most reputable pianos the United States, J. & C. Fischer succeeded R.W. Nunns of New York, one of the pioneer houses in the American piano industry. The present title of J. & C. Fischer was given to the fin in 1840.
John & Fischer and Charles S. Fischer carr from a most distinguished family of piano makers; their father had been given the covete appointment of "Pian~Maker to King Ferd nand I of Naples."
Fischer's first factory was established in 184 on St. John's Lane in New York City. Presei factories and general offices are in Ea Rochester, New York.
This house has taken a prominent part in t~ development of the piano industry in the Unite States. The J. & C. Fischer pianos in sma grands, consoles, and school pianos of profe. sional performance are celebrated for the beaut of their case designs. Fischer's full-sized plat' with no cost-reducing cut-out, is rigidly cor structed to allow more precise tuning and to hel retain proper pitch longer betwen tunings
(also known as Marantz Piano Co.-P. 0. Box 460, Morganton, North Carolina 28655.
Grand delivers its pianos on its own fleet of trucks directly to the dealers' stores. This unique service provides distinct savings in freight costs, virtually eliminates transit damage, speeds up delivery and eliminates the need for crating/ uncrating the piano. This service is also available nationwide. Grand is dedicated to leading the field in supplying an upright piano at modest prices which can be proudly sold as the best value on the market. Grand feels they offer an Instrument most suited to the mass music market simply hecause they have developed a pre-cision built piano with a fine sound, in a beautifully styled and finished cabinet to be sold at a price that enables more people to place a marvelous musical instru-ment in the home. With Grand uprights, total family fun and total family enrich-ment can cease to be a dream and move toward reality.
Originally established in Boston in 1839 and one of the three oldest piano names in the country. The name Hallet & Davis has been intermingled with all important musical events since practically the birth of the American piano. Used exclusively in many leading musical schools and eon-servatories, it meets, with high satisfaction, the most rigorous demands. Hallet & Davis Pianos have received 140 gold medals and competitive awards. At the Paris Exhibition of 1867 Franz Liszt, the great pianist-composer, played on a Hallet & Davis piano, and enthusiastically endorsed it. Johann Strauss, whose "Blue Danube" and other waltzes will live forever, was enthusiastic about its tone. It has received awards at all the great world's expositions, including the Berlin Exposition of 1871, the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876, the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, and the Alaska~Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle in 1909. In 1911, His Holiness the Pope, Pius X, selected a Hallet & Davis for the Vatican, and has awarded its makers a gold medal. This renowned instrument is being built to-day in accordance with the ideals of artistic and mechanical integrity which have made Hallet & Davis pianos widely prized by musical artists and virtuosi.
The best of German and Japanese excellence, sembled in Korea from the finest materials Tailable, Handok pianos offer excellent yalue r the money. One of the most exceptional German scale designs is encased in an all-wood cabinet to provide a richer, clearer tone. No Lrticleboard or recycled by-products are used r the cabinet. The heart of the piano is the well known Saito I-wood action from Japan. No mold-injected astic parts are used in the action. Other fea-res include pinblock by Delignit from West ~rmany, tuning pins by Nihon Tenryo from pan, strings by Roslau from West Germany, ~mmers by Royal George from England, keys Nippon Kenban from Japan, soundboard d ribs from Alaska, and bridges made out of among the lowest in the industry.
A Canadian company with an international reputation. Heintzman has been making pianos since 1850 and has won many international awards for quality and tone. Heintzman manufactures a full line of con-sole pianos ranging in size from 41" to 48" and a 6' grand piano. The products have many exclusive features, including independent agraffes.. Built in Hanover, Ontario, Canada.
Hohner manufactures a complete line vertical pianos and a line of electronic keyboards featuring the new Hohner Digital Keyboard PK Series with MIDI compatibility. P100 and P120
This old established, nationally prominent and highly regarded concern continues with its policy of building only pianos of high quality. Incorporated in 1880. Ivers & Pond piano is noted for its structural soundness, extreme durability and charming tone quality. It has always enjoyed a wide national distribution, and the house has never changed from the original corporate form chosen at the start. Over seven hundred conservatories and schools and over eighty thousand homes throughout the country use Ivers & Pond Pianos. In years past the company has been one of the most extensive and consistent advertisers in the piano industry so that the name "Ivers & Pond" has become almost a household word in musical circles throughout the land.
Manufacturers of new coin-operated commercial multi-tune player pianos (Nickelodeons) and special automated keyboard instruments. This firm was established in 1972 after fifteen years of research and development to obtain a player piano system which is trustworthy, maintenance-free and durable enough to be used in restaurants, pizza parlors and ice cream shops. The Keyboard Specialties player system has been field-proven for over seven years. Designed to give trouble-free performance at the rate of 12,000 20,000 plays per year.
KIMBALL PIANOS 1857 to 1996
W.W.Kimball was founded in 1857 as a piano dealership, but began manufacturing instruments itself in 1886. Kimball was soon producing 4,000 pianos a year reaching its peak in 1910. W.W.Kimball died in 1904 and some poor decision making together with the Depression meant the company never recaptured its former glory. In 1959, the company was purchased by the Jasper Corporation, a lumber and furniture company of Indiana, eventually changing its name to Kimball International. Kimballs were best known for their low cost upright pianos. They finally ceased manufacture in 1996.
Established in 1857 and now a part of Kimball International, Inc. in Jasper, Indiana, the Kimball Piano Company is one of America's oldest and most distinguished keyboard instrument manufacturers. At one timethe largest keyboard instrument manufacturer in the United States, Kimball built a complete range of pianos from the magnificent 97-note 9'6" Bosendorfer Imperial, one of the the world's finest concert grand piano, to the Kimball Whitney, a moderately priced piano and the Heinz an entry level inexpensive spinet piano.
Kimball's Bosendorfer division in Vienna, Austria has been the source of major design features of the Kimball line of grand pianos. The Kimball 5'8" and 6'7" grand pianos have plate designs derived from the Bosendorfers of the same size, and the only American-made grand pianos available with the high-gloss polyester finish, as used on Bosendorfer concert grand pianos.
Kimball 5'8" and 6'7" grand pianos use Schwander roller concert grand actions, often used in Bosendorfers, and Kimball's 42" Crest and Artist Console upright pianos feature the Type 59 Schwander action, renowned for its crisp and articulate response. These actions are built by a Kimball affiliate in England, the world's oldest existing piano action manufacturer, founded in 1810.
In addition to Kimball technological developments insuring a durable and beautiful-sounding instrument, such as the Life-Crowned laminated soundboard (warranted for 75 years against defects and proven more efficient tonally than standard sound boards), the Uni-Lock back and 9-ply rock maple pin panel, Kimball offers the industry's widest selection of fine furniture styles. Kimball's own designers have created outstanding Contemporary, Traditional, French Provincial, Italian Provincial, Mediterranean, and Early American styles. Kimball stands ready to provide special finishes and private-label pianos for those dealers in need of them.
These many outstanding qualities of Kimball pianos are possible at attractive prices because of Kimball's vertical integration: control of forests, mills, veneer productions, and all aspects of component manufacture gives Kimball in depth quality control and the ability to produce excellence at reasonable cost. Among Kimball International's many divisions are Victorian Reproduction furniture, office furniture, electronic parts, plastics, metal parts, action parts, and divisions making television and stereo speaker cabinets for many of the major manufacturers.
Names used: Kimball, Conn, Japser-American, W.W. Kimball, Hinze, Harrison, Schuerman, DeVoe & Sons, Whittaker, Becker, La Petite, Krakauer, Whitney, Whitmore, private label stencil brands were also made
Division of The Aeolian Corp. Among the few really celebrated and artistic pianofortes in the U.S.A., the time-honored Knabe ranks pre-eminent, being distinguished for a distinctive tone quality that has often been described as the nearest approach to the human singing voice. During its celebrated career it has always been identified with the highest standards of manufacture, as well as by its close association with the artistic world. It has had a notable share in the development of musical intelligence and culture in the U.S.A.
Knabe dates back to 1837 when William Knabe founded the business in Baltimore, where he had been working in various factories since his arrival in this country in 1832. He had previously acquired a broad practical knowledge of piano craftsmanship in ~ its branches. A man of mechanical ability with the steadfast ambition to produce only the best, he enlisted an organization of experts, deeply imbued with those high ideals which have been handed down to the present day. The craftsmanship that makes Knabe a leader among all pianos is not an acquisition of one generation but a pedigree of skill that has continued from that idealistic beginning.
Knabe pianos were later sold by Mason & Hamlin, Piano Disc, some pianos made by Young Chang.
Alfred Knight, Ltd., of England makes the unusual claim of being the youngest large-scale manufacturer of pianos. The founder, Alfred Knight, came from a family long associated with the building of fine pianos; and he was apprenticed at an early age. After completing his apprenticeship and formative training his interest turned to pianoforte design and in 1935 he realized his ambition of founding a new plant with up-to-date machinery. North London was chosen as a location where skilled workers were available and a nucleus of experienced men welcomed the idea of joining a new company with progressive ideas and scope for advancement under practical directorship. In laying down designs for the new range of pianos. Alfred Knight's progressive ideas were tempered by those of his key workers whose combined experience totaled well over a thousand years, and by constant contact with his many friends among concert and orchestra pianists.
Although Alfred Knight died in September, 1974, the business remains a family one. His daughter, Sylvia, has taken over as managing director and her husband, John York, is also a director. They and all their staff are determined to carry on the quality of workmanship in the Knight tradition. Address: Langston Road, Debden Estate, Loughton, Essex, England.
Founded in 1896 as a partnership between Charles Kohler and J. C. Campbell, in less than 20 years Kohler and Campbell became one of the world's leading manufacturers of upright and grand pianos, player pianos and automatic reproducing actions. First factory was in a small loft building on 14th Street in N.Y.C. After the company was established only a few years the business expanded to such a degree that it moved to much larger quarters, occupy-ing an entire building built for it at 50th Street and Eleventh Avenue, and continuing to expand into adjoining and nearby buildings until it occupied over one million feet of floor space. After Mr. Campbell's death in 1904, Charles Kohier became sole owner. Under his direction, Kohler & Campbell popularized the player piano in America, making available to the public for the first time the music of the world's leading artists through Welte-Mignon reproducing action.
Position of Kohler & Campbell in the piano industry is well illustrated by the distinguished piano companies either founded or acquired by it during its 84 years of operation. Among those companies are Hazelton Brothers, Francis Bacon Piano Company, Behning Piano Company, Milton Piano Company, Behr Brothers, Brambach Piano Company, Davenport and Treacy Company, Kroeger Piano Company, Waldorf Piano Company and Bjur Brothers. Nearly every major piano manufacturer purchased player actions from the Auto Pneumatic Action Company and The Standard Pneumatic Action Company, manufacturing subsidiaries of Kohler & Campbell during the days of the player piano. Their combined production exceeded 50,000 player actions per year.
Through acquisition of Francis Bacon Piano Company, Kobler & Campbell traces its heritage back to 1789, date of founding of the first piano company in America by John Jacob Astor. However, progressive leadership and modern production techniques have always been outstanding attributes of the company. The late Julius A. White originally joined the company in 1921 and thereafter became successively president and chairman. Under his direction, a number of separate operations stemming from various acquisitions were consolidated under one roof. Following World War II, the company moved its operations from the 50th Street location to the Bronx in a larger, more modern building. In 1954 the entire manufacturing facility was moved to Granite Falls, North Carolina. The reasons for this were to make possible a single story straight-line production method, to locate in a major furniture manufacturing area among resident skilled woodcraftsmen and to be closer to sources of supply of raw materials.
In 1956, presidency of the company passed on to a third generation when Charles Kohler White, grandson of the founder, assumed the position. After his untimely death in 1957, Charles L. Clayton was elected president. In 1978 Clayton also became chairman. Other officers are Ronald J. Achor, executive vice-president; Gaylord M. Hufstader, vice-president/marketing; Dr. Rita W. Matthews, secretary
Supplier of the Hanil grand piano, long respected in Europe and the Orient and was available in the United States for a brief period.
In the tiny village of Berlin, Ohio, a tradition of more than 110 years lives on: The Krakauer Piano, a handcrafted instrument built of the very finest material available. Among our workers are the uniquely skilled and uncompromisingly proud Amish-Mennonites.It began in 1869 because Simon Krakauer loved pianos. And because of that love, he created each instrument as an individual and concerned himself exclusively with quality, and not with quantity.
Established in 1864 by Helmuth Kranich and Jacques Bach, both practical piano makers of tried experience. The firm soon became known as makes of distinction and its instruments regarded as among the most reliable made. In 1890, the business was incorporated in New York.
Kranich & Bach pianos received awards at the Mechanics' Fair in Boston, at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876, and at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. The present ownership takes great pride in the fact that Kranich & Bach pianos are handcrafted in one of the most complete and up-to-date piano manufacturing plants in the world, equipped with the finest machinery and most modern equipment. Kranich & Bach still belongs to that very small group of famous makers whose pianos are among the highest class made in the world. Represented across the country by dealers of prominence, most of whom feature it as leader. In addition to their exquisite tone, Kranich & Bach pianos are especially renowned for their stunning design.
The roots of the Legnica pianos are rich with history and go all the way back to 1849 and what was then the E. Seiler piano factory in pre-war Germany. After the war, the city where the factory was located became part of Poland and was renamed Legnica. Today, the Legnica piano factory is a modern production facility with over 360 skilled crafts-men. Yearly production exceeds 5,000 units. Legnica pianos are sold in every country in Europe. They are also widely known and sold in Australia, the Orient, Africa, and the Middle East. Legnica pianos are not mass produced. Each piano is hand made in the Old World European tradition.
LESAGE Quebec Canada
In late 1977 Lowrey unveiled a completely new line of elegant console pianos. These instruments were entirely new pianos that were designed to complement and maintain the standard of quality and craftsmanship the Lowrey name has come to mean. All Lowrey pianos are 42 inches in height. There are no spinets in the Lowrey line, primarily because a console is the best piano for the average family. In addition, the company recently introduced a 5'6" grand piano. With refinements like a grand piano top, lead weighted keys, brass accents and Swedish steel strings, these pianos are truly distinctive instruments. Authentic furniture styling and a unique piano scale that carries the Charles Frederick Stein trademark are yet other attributes which set the Lowrey line apart from other pianos.
MAEARI PIANOS by the Hyundai Corporation
Hyundai Corporation is the largest conglomerate in Korea. Maeari (which means "echo") pianos consist of five grand pianos and 16 vertical models, all with superior sounds and the world's most proven and popular designs. Customers will readily recognize that the Maeari piano ranks with some of the top brands in the music industry. Hyundai offers these fine instruments at significantly competitive prices.
Exclusive manufacturer of upright pianos which are 39" and 42" consoles. Marantz specializes in the manufacture of budget priced, high quality upright pianos which are sold through leading piano dealers throughout the United States. Marantz's modern manufacturing facilities consist of over 100,000 square feet situated on a 25-acre tract of land immediately -outside of the Morganton city limits. The property and facilities are all company owned.
Marantz Piano Company manufactures the PIANOCORDER Reproducing Sys-tem, a computerized device which can be installed in any piano and which uses computer cassette tapes to activate an electronic mechanism to play the piano as if it were being played by a person. This product eliminates all the drawbacks associated with player pianos and elevates the player piano to a new height of ex-cellence and reliability. The Maranta Piano Company distributes both the PIANO-CORDER Reproducing System and the MARANTZ Reproducing Piano, a product which comes factory~quipped with the revolutionary Pianocorder Reproducing System. A complete library of over 300 individual, 45-minute tapes is available with every kind of music, from classical to popular, ragtime to rock. Commercial and coin-operated versions of both the PIANOCORDER System and the MARANTZ Reproducing Piano are available.
McCORD PIANOS, DAVID San Francisco, California
Melodigrand is a product of skilled craftsmen whose only concern and long experience is building pianos. For homes where space is an important consideration, Melodigrand makes an ultra-compact (42 inches wide) 64-note piano, the Jefferson. Handsome styling, sturdy construction and easy mobility make the piano ideal for home, school, church, in fact every-where a small sturdy piano is wanted.
This instrument is a specially built version of the Melodigrand Spinet into which a perfectly balanced set of Helpinstill Sensors is precisely and permanently installed during manufacture. The output of the sensors connects to a guitar amp or any other high impedance input to amplify the true piano sound to a level where it can compete or blend with other amplified instruments. Charles Helpinstill's sensors are used by Elton John, David Bowie, and others, but the Melodipro is the only piano licensed to use them integrally. In addition to its acceptance by professional groups in concert and on tour, it has found wide use in churches, schools, auditoriums, and restaurants where control of amplification is essential as well as home use.
Henry F. Miller Piano Go. has been manufacturing pianos in the U. S. for more than 100 years. An ideal location in the heart of the south's finest hardwood region, allowing immediate and efficient access to necessary woods, coupled with the most modern technological improvements offered by one of the newest plants in the piano industry, enables Henry F. Miller Piano Co. to provide consumers with savings at no sacrifice in quality. Rock maple bridges hand-fitted to each plate, full-sized plate made of strength-tested cast iron and precision designed for greatest acoustical performance, all-spruce sounding board, 6-post back and Master-Touch action afford the dealer excellent selling points and insure the consumer lasting value. There are spinet, grand, and console designs all beautifully styled and finished in a manner that would complement any decor. The company also makes a 5' 1" grand piano.
One of the first of the modern player-pianos, Musette was completely restyled and redesigned late in 1966. Musette is now available in a choice of five different decorator styles that complement its low spinet silhouette. Construction improvements include a wide-range volume control for use during automatic play and a transposer attachment that permit dialing any five dlifferent keys for more sing-along or play-along satisfaction. Musette also offers many other expression devices to permit individual interpretation of player rolls. They in~ude soft bass and soft treble buttons that can be used separately or individually to accent melody or rhythm, a loud pedal lever that sustains notes like a regular sustaining pedal and a tempo lever that can be set or changed during playing. The Musette player action is manufactured by the Standard Pneumatic Action Co. It comes with authentic foot pedals that permit satisfying expression variations and an electric motor unit for automatic play. Like other modern player-pianos, the Musette can be enjoyed as a manual piano. All player controls disappear from view, the Musette looks, plays, and sounds like a fine regular piano.
Carl A. Pfeiffer Grand and Upright Piano Factory, Herderstrasse 12-14, D-7000 Stuttgart 1, West Germany.
In 1862, Josef Anton Pfeiffer, a piano and organ builder, opened a workshop of his own in Stuttgart and began manufacturing pianos with great success. His son, Dr. It. C. Carl Anton Pfeiffer, took over the firm in 1888 after undergoing a thorough training. He was the friend of Swabian teachers and well known musicians. He was followed by Dr. Walter Pfeiffer, whose academic work made the firm famous. Dr. Pfeiffer's son Helmut Pfeiffer is now head of the family firm and is responsible for an improvement in the tone and finish of the pianos, which is highly appreciated by experts. At pre-sent, three models in six types of case and any desired wood are manufactured.
What does Pfeiffer have Mercedes-Benz and Porsche?
It is West Germany's "model" state: a model of industry, invention and skilled precision. And the capital of Baden-Wirttemberg is Stuttgart, the town where new ideas ripen best. where quality is at home. After all, it's the home of Mercedes-Benz and Porsche,
Stuttgart has also made a name for itself in the world of music. Pfeiffer pianos. The piano and organ-builder Joseph Anton Pfeiffer founded his workshop here in 1862. His son, Carl Anton Pfeiffer took over the flourishing business after a seven-year wandering apprenticeship that also included a spell at Steinway in New York. His skill and human qualities helped him expand his father's piano and grand-piano factory even further In 1906, he set up the piano section of the German Museum in Munich. And, his reproduction of the "Bach Harpsichord" from the Royal collection of historical musical instruments in Berlin produced in 1908, created a sensation,
Today, over 120 years later we still build Pfeiffer pianos with infinite care and craftsmanship. And although thousands have been built, each Pfeiffer piano is unique with a personality of its own. Even today, the fourth generation still remains true to the founder's philosophy: "Our aim is not to build as many pianos as possible, but to build them as perfectly as possible: Its a philosophy which, especially today appeals to more and more people all over the world.
Developed by Superscope, Inc., the Pianocorder is a radical new electronic player piano mechanism which, by means of magnetic tape, automatically records and plays a "live" performance on any upright or grand piano. Superscope introduced the Pianocorder in 1977
Pianola is a marvel of tonal engineering, as fine a piano as it is unique. The sound can be described as being "vibrantly alive." Sonorous, vividly clear and deep, its tonal quality is astonishing. To beginners, as to everyone who wants to learn to play manually, the Pianola is a genuinely inspiring source. Teachers attest it actually speeds the learning process as students "pick-up" dexterity by closely observing professional arrangements. The choice of music rolls is practically limitless with new titles constantly being added-from favorites of yesteryear to the very newest hits and show tunes. Even "For Your Family Today And Generations From Now" the song words have been incorporated, printed conveniently on the rolls, encouraging listeners and spectators to join in and sing along.
With the Pianola evolves a new trend in designing compactness. The Pianola measures a little over 3 feet in width, yet has a greater playing range than Mozart's pianoforte. But the compactness is just part of the Pianola history. Well evident is a wholly new sense of design freedom and artistry. The tapering lines are clean, unspoiled; the styling crisp and distinctly modern. And through the grace of warm, superbly finished woods and delicately drawn trim-work along the sides, the Pianola was compatible to almost every decor. The Pianola came with an electric motor for automatic play (with no distortion of tone) making it three fine pianos in one: manual, pedal-powered and electrically operated.
Established in 1893 by William H. Poole whose abilities and knowledge of piano craftsmanship were gained through actual service in the industry from earliest youth. Poole pianos were manufactured by Aeolian Corp. Poole pianos are of tested durability, containing latest improvements and their case design is an artistic achievement evolved especially by the Poole Company. Poole pianos contain an even. superbly well-balanced scale and justly deserve the enthusiastic endorsement of prominent musicians, recognition from they have won through-out the country.
Frankeneng 17, Ede, Holland. Rippen, was the only piano manufacturer in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, was founded in 1937. The company displayed its line of grand pianos at the 1987 Franfort Fair.
Schafer & Sons has pianos at every price point to maximize dealer market penetration. The company's grand pianos range through the 6 '9". Vertical pianos are available in 37,, through 52". A dynamic player line is also available. Schafer & Sons marketing plan is unique in the industry. A philosophy of "sell through," not "sell to," for its dealer organization assures inventory turn for optimum return of invested dollars.
"One metropolitan market-one Schafer & Sons dealer' is a marketing reality dictated Schafer & Sons owner and founder, Vi Schafer. The exclusive Schafer & Sons lifetime guarantee has proven to be a powerful sales and assures customer satisfaction. The beautiful Schafer & Sons four color brochure and other point-of-sale materials help make today's Schafer & Sons line one of the industry's most competitive and saleable.
Schafer & Sons is more than a company. It is a family dedicated to music and fine musical instruments.
Vertical pianos that were manufactured in the United States included 13 decorator models. Sizes include 37" spinet and 42" console pianos. Imported vertical pianos include nine models of console and professional uprights, sized 41" through 52". Grand models include the Baby, Studio, Parlor, Semi-Concert, and fall 9' Concert. Schafer & Sons Player Pianos led the field in performance and software selection. The Nickelodian is an unusual entertainment value.
In Wurtenburg-Stuttgart, Germany, the Schiedmayer piano was born in 1809, at the time of and in the area of the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. The Schiedmayer srore was on the town square, near other quality piano builders. Few could match the Schiedmayerr quality.
Behind Schiemayer is a combination of the tradition, experience, and tone color of the Germans and the experience and know-how of the Japanese.
The Schiedmayer scales are now manulactured by the Japanese in a relationship that claims the hest of both cultures. The line offers 43" and 48" uprights in ebony, snow white, mahogany, and walnut. Grands are 6' and 6' 11", with the 6' offered in the same colors as the uprights; the 6'1 1" is available in ebony only.
Sherlock-Manning Pianos, a Canadian piano company since 1875, has been bringing sound enjoyment to thousands in Canada and the United States.
In the highly technical world of mass production, it gives Sherlock-Manning a great deal of satisfaction and pride to produce a totally hand-made piano. Each piano is painstakingly crafted from the finest of Canadian and European woods, with the greatest attention to detail.
The Sherman Clay name has been associated with fine pianos for over 100 years. Since 1879, Sherman Clay has been bringing music into the American home.
Sojin grand and upright pianos, manufactured in Yeoju, Korea, are a division of Daewoo ternational (America) Corporation. The Sojin ano factory was established in 1964. It merged th the Daewoo group in 1980, becoming of one of Korea's largest and most reputable conglomerates. The Sojin facility, over 660,000 square feet, is really two complete tones.
Sojin perfected a polyester resin finish dries harder than conventional lacquer. known as flow coating, this thicker than lacquer foundation allows for easy removal of surface scratches. The subsequent rubbing and pollishing procedures bring it to a superior mirror-like luster. Sojin offers customers vertical pianos in 41'', 42'', 43'', 44'', 45'', 48'', d 52" models. Also available were grand pianos in 5'3"' and 5'l0" models. A 7' grand was be introduced early in 1986.
This famous, old, established house is one of the limited number still solely owned. controlled and directed by the immediate family of the founder. Though tracing its origin back to 1860, the first Sohmer piano was actually built in 1872, when Hugo Sohmer founded the firm of Sohmer & Co., in New York. Present officers of the company are: Harry J. Sobmer, Jr., pres. Robert H. Sohmer, secy.-treasurer and production engineer; Gustav Fink, Jr., vice-pres., manufacturing. Tone was the object of Hugo Sohmer's research, and the same unique tonal quality is found in every Sohmer piano that is built today in the thoroughly modern Sohmer factory located at 31st Avenue and Vernon Boulevard, "Sohmerville," Long Island City. Harry J. Sohmer, Jr., grandson of the founder, was elected president in 1971 succeeding his father, the late Harry J. Sohmer, insuring continuity of famfly ownership and control of the 102-year-old firm. Harry Sohmer, Jr. not only served his apprenticeship in the various departments in the time-honored Sohmer procedure, but also has had an exhaustive technical education. embracing the various phases of acoustics and their application. Robert H. Sohmer, second son of Harry J. Sohmer and grandson of the founder in addition to his duties as secretary-treasurer, is also purchasing agent and production engineer. Although Robert's education has been along financial lines, and he now specializes in that department, he too has followed tradition and learned the art of the piano maker from the ground up.
Sohmer occupied an entire building constructed to its special requirements at 21 West 57th Street, New York 10019, in an atmosphere attracting connoisseurs of aH the arts. On display are pianos representative of the finest furniture styles; each model is a decorative accomplishment and a fine musical instrument. Despite the success of its console, Sohmer has always been and always will be a Grand Piano House. Sohmer invented the baby grand in 1884; ever since, Sohmer grands have had a dominating role in the home market. The Sobmer grand is remarkable for its volume and resonance of tone despite its diminutive size-S feet long and 4 feet five inches wide. Hugo Sohmer patented the first 5-foot grand in 1884, and today~s Style 50 grand is the logical development of this pioneer effort. Sohmer's 89 years of continuous improvement of one model is typical of its pursuit of perfection; the Sohmer family states, without reservation or exception, that no other small grand approximates the Sohmer in tone and response. Sohmer alone among all great pianos has never entered the competition for artist endorsement; therefore, Sohmer prices do not bear the added burden of artist exploitation. Prices reflect only the cost of a top-ranking piano as made in a particularly efficient factory.
The famous Sohmer creed is: "To build the finest piano that human integrity, skill, knowledge, craftsmanship, and family tradition can possible produce; to utilize the world's markets to procure the best materials regardless of cost; to maintain that quality unswervingly, and never to sacrifice one iota to gain an added profit, no matter how great; to preserve the integrity and individuality of the Sohmer institution free from outside affiliation or influences; and to he governed always and under all circumstances by sound principles and never by expediency."
A Division of Aeolian Pianos, Inc., this firm manufactured the renowned George Steck piano, recognized as one of the strictly high-grade makes in the United States. With factories in East Rochester, New York, George Steck began manufacturing his own pianos in 1857, winning many honors during his long career. In the great Vienna Exposition in 1873, the George Steck won First Prize for merit for tone, design, and careful detail of construction. This was the only such honor granted at the Exposition and marked the superiority of the George Steck over all the other pianos exhibited. Steck, a master craftsman and scientific acoustician, won many other awards, including the coveted Gold Medal at Vienna and other international expositions. Richard Wagner composed "Parsifal" on the George Steck. The instrument had been presented to Wagner by his fellow townsmen and is preserved at the Wagner Villa in Bayreuth.
Stegler pianos are manufactured to the importers' specifications using the most advanced techniques and the finest materials available for consistently high quality. The line includes five grand piano models from 5'1" to 6'9" and five upright models from 42" consoles to 52" uprights. The Stegler pianos may be obtained in polyester and furniture finishes, in American walnut, teak, rosewood, ebony, and white.
The Sting II, manufactured by the Aeolian Corporation, is both a player piano and a professional studio piano. As a player, The Sting II can either be played by pumping the pedals or automatically with the flip of switch. The player piano has four fingertip controls including tempo and volume controls and separate accent buttons for bass and treble. The Ukelanor feature changes the full rich timbre no the authentic "rinky-tink" sounds of bygone days. Another simple control transposes the music into five consecutive keys for easier sing-along participation.
As a studio, The Sting II stands 48" with a 44" studio scale and is constructed to provide a response and timbre second only to a grand piano. Features include nickel-plated tuning pins, antique brass pedals, solid copper bass strings, double wheel casters and a massive 6 post back for generations of durability and performance.
Fine furniture design is also built into The Sting II. Crafted of rich grained oak, its lines are further enhanced by the use of carved motifs. A rich stain plus hand rubbing brings out the warmth of this popular wood. A final lacquer finish adds luster and durability to this classic piano.
A young, progressive company, Tadashi has combined the superior technical resources of Japan with a classically based understanding of the professional musician's demands. Left behind are the outdated and immature tonal attitudes of the current Japanese products, which have been replaced with a piano capable of emulating the sound of the great European instruments. In the past, the Japanese insisted on the adoption of their own concept of tone if the buyer was interested in the benefits of Japan's technical superiority. Tadashi recognizes the superiority of its Japanese technology but is able to admit that Europeans are the masters of tone. This marriage of philosophies creates a piano line that compete in price and quality with the Japanese and yet has the sound of the great pianos which cost twice as much.
The Tadashi piano, known to some under the "Atlas" name, was the first piano in Japan to receive the U.S. seal. In its long history of development, it used the resources of the Shizimoka School of Acoustics and the Tokyo Conservatory of Music for tonal research and acceptability to the musician. This well-thought-out instrument is being marketed very conservatively under the auspices of President Rimas, a former concert pianist.
Tokai Pianos are manufactured by Tokai Gakki Co., Ltd., in Hammamatsu, Japan, the third largest and leading musical instrument manufacturing company in Japan. The company offers Studio Classic Pianos, Chippendale Uprights, Modern Uprights, Grand Pianos, Continental and American Consoles, Spinets, and Modern and Historical Cembalos/Harpsichords, all of the highest quality.
Tokai Gakki Co., Ltd., 36 Terawakicho, or P.O. Box 160, Hammamatsu, Japan. Telephone (0534) 41-3137 key. Telex 4225-225.
Tokai Piano U.S.A., Inc., is a joint venture with the parent company, Tokai Gakki Co. Ltd. Tokai Gakki is the third largest musical instrument company in Japan. In February 1983, a third facility was opened which is to be devoted entirely to the manufacturing of grand pianos.
All Tokai vertical and grand pianos include bass agraffes, Royal George T pin hammer felt, reverse locking tuning pins, artist bench, and a 12-year full warranty. Models include studios, uprights, grand pianos, and Continental and American consoles in high-polish and satin finishes. Tokai also manufactures handcrafted harpsichords. Worldwide headquarters of Tokai Gakki Co., Ltd., is in Hamamatsu, Japan.
The line consists of a 6'2" and a 6'10" grand with solid spruce sound boards, 21 lamination German Delignite pinblock, and state-of-the-art action. Its fine, resonant tone puts to shame many other more famous names.
The line also includes a small 42" console, a studio and professional model. All models of grand pianos and uprights were available in ebony high gloss or white, and some models are available in walnut open pore.
Universal player pianos are manufactured in Santa Monica, California. The Universal is America's quality player piano, de-signed in the traditional upright style, using authentic Tiffany glass, available in four finishes, and designed to be played automatically or foot-pumped. The Universal player piano models being manufactured currently are the Tiffany, Roaring 20s, and the Gay 90s. The American player piano models being manufactured currently are the Majestic, Charleston, and the Victorian. The new Nickelodeon became available in January 1979. It stands 75-1/2 inches high, is coin slotted, and has a full complement of ten musical instruments. The Nickelodeon functions as a conventional piano as well.
A division of Aeolian Corporation, Memphis, Tennessee. Founded 1837 by J. W. Vose in Boston. Vose & Sons is one of the fine old names in piano making and has adhered to the Vose family tradition of painstaking craftsmanship since its beginning. Modern technology and constant research have been added to the firm base of quality materials and workmanship. The Vose line includes spinets, consoles, and a 5"1" grand.
For many years one of America's largest and leading piano manufacturers, whose pianos are produced in an ultra modern factory in Memphis, has a reputation and progressivenes5 which has resulted in beautifully toned and styled pianos of long durability. This is the company that introduced the Alumatone plate; developed Practiano, a device permitting piano practice without disturbance to others in the room, and the Restonic Scale. It was Winter & Co.'s Musette piano, first introduced in 1935, that launched the great restyling movement which has swept the modern spinet into nation-wide popularity.
Max and Richard Zimmermann began to manufacture their first pianos in 1884 in Germany in the town of Moelken. In the years to follow, the business increased steadily, and by 1904 they had expanded to a second factory.
Zimmerman today carries on the old tradition of training craftsmen in a three-year program which makes them the master of the basic building. The line consists of a 4'9" grand in three styles: Chippendale, Chippendale Antique, and Traditional. They are available in walnut, mahogany, or ebony in polish or satin. Rosewood may be obtained on special order. The upright line is available in a 43" size and four models in smoked oak, walnut, mahogany, and ebony, polished or satin.
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